Posted by : Unknown

If you are like the most people who want make window transparent so this post will help you to do that.If you want to what is happening in other window so you can do also that.
There are many reason to make window transparent.Like these topics:-you will be able to watch your desktop and wallpaper on that,if you do multi-tasking on computer so it will also help you. Peek Through is a simple window app that will help you to make window transparent.
  • Peek Through is able to run on these Windows OS.Widows XP,Vista and Windows 7,8. Download Peek Through from here.This is a rar file so you need any software like winzip to open it.
  • Open the file and run "install.exe". 
  • Install it and run it from Start Menu. The default Shortcut key to make Window transparent is WinKey+A.
  • If you want to adjust the transparency level so you can do that by clicking on Transparency
  • Now just hit the shortcut key and your Window will become transparent.Press once gain the shortcut to make Window normal.

How to use Peek Through--- 

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