Posted by : Unknown

One of the best features of iOS is the ability to track your Apple devices automatically using the Find iPhone app from Apple. You can track as many devices as you want as long as they are all setup using the same iCloud account. In this article, I’ll show you how to setup tracking for your iPhone, iPad and Mac computer.

Track iPhone

To enable tracking on your iPhone, tap on Settings and go to iCloud. Once you have logged into your iCloud account, you want to turn the Find My iPhone feature to On.
find iphone

Track iPad

To track your iPad, you need to do the same thing. Go to Settings and then tap on iCloud. Tap to turn onFind My iPad.
find my ipad

Track Mac Computer

To turn on tracking for your Mac computer, go to System Preferences, click on iCloud and then make sure Find My Mac is turned on.
find my mac
Again make sure you are logged into each device using the same iCloud account. Once you have configured each device as shown above, you can then actually view the location of your Apple devices in two ways: via an app for the iPhone or iPad or via Login and then click on Find My iPhone.
find my iphone
You’ll then get a nice map with all your devices listed in a pop up window:
track apple device
A green dot means the iPhone, iPad or Mac computer was located. A greyed out dot means it is either offline or was found earlier, but not at the current moment. If you click on the blue information icon, you can play a sound of message on the device, remote lock it or remote wipe it if you think it’s been stolen.
remote wipe
You can also track any of your devices from any other Apple device using the Find My iPhone app:
That’s pretty much it. The easiest way to track an iPhone, iPad or Mac computer. Of course, this only works if the device is powered on. If the battery is dead, you won’t be able to track it. Enjoy!

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